Will it be an Orange Christmas?

You know the 12 Days of Xmas song? Well, did you know that the ‘first day of Christmas’ is actually on the 25th December – with the song finishing over a week into January – well after everyone has moved on from the magic of the season? Perhaps I’m the last person to know this, but I thought it would either start 12 days before Xmas, finishing on Xmas Day, or from the 1st December – so the person you’re giving the gifts to can recover πŸ˜†

OK, so this wasn’t the point I started out to make – THIS is! As we move into the Orange light system this week, I’d love for you to consider all your small and local businesses who’ll have to do things differently from Friday, especially in this super busy lead-up to Xmas.
Their custom may go down, which is absolutely not their choice or fault, so it’s time for your Xmas Spirit to rise up and support! Why not pop over to their social media pages and give them a glowing review of the last product or service you purchased or experienced from them? Or buy a voucher from that business to gift to someone this Xmas: there is absolute power in the gift card πŸ˜‰ But, most importantly, it’s a time for compassion and kindness – especially if it takes a little more time for the business to get back to you, fulfill your order, serve you, etc. Running a small business is blimmin hard, especially in COVID-19 times.
Thinking of all our awesome small and local businesses out there! We’ve got you! x
P.S. The Orange light comes into play 11.59pm 2 December, 2021. This will be reviewed 13 December, 2021.