YES, the rumours are true, I have released the definitive guide for navigating you and your partner through this COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown period – with my Lockdown Love Lessons.
And, yes, it’s all a bit of fun, and no I’m not a couples counsellor… obviously…
So, how did this all start? Remember that day when PM Jacinda Ardern announced we were moving into lockdown, and everyone who wasn’t an essential worker, had to work from home? Who could forget…
OK, so you find yourself at home, working alongside your significant other for the first time. Or, you’re a stay-at-home parent and your main squeeze is suddenly now working from home. Fun, right?
My girl Sara Green messaged me that night cheekily asking for my top tips for getting through the next four weeks, and still liking her man, cos, you know, as the “Queen of Love” (her words not mine 😆) I must have some creative ideas. As she says: “Like, I still wanna be in love in 30 days.”
Girl, you’re not going to still like each other, you’re going to adore one other!
So, for a bit of fun, here are the first seven “lessons” I released over the course of Lockdown at Level 4:

See, simple! Not only did you give your partner a compliment on how clean their hands are, during times such as these, you’re also giving them a clear direction on what you’d like them to discontinue doing.
Ahhhhh love in times of a lockdown.

Or to put it into song: from the wise words of Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar, “Could we start again, please?”
I know there are many of you wanting to rewind your first day of working in close proximity to your love, during these COVID-19 lockdown days. And the answer is – YES!!! If not, I’m in trouble 😆 Stressful times call for rewind measures! So, yes, go ahead and CTRL Z yesterday! ❤️

In times such as these (and actually any other time in the history of time), the mere suggestion of chips ‘n’ dip on offer is an absolute language of love.
Chippies for the win!

After four days together in the same house, living and working together, there’s bound to be a grrrrr moment.
Instead of competing for air time to get your point across, this is your chance to say, “Goodnight, I’m going to bed.” Even if it’s only 6.30pm. Some long hours away from each other is just what your relationship needs until you work out a routine for livin’ it up in each other’s grill for the next four weeks.
And, as P!nk says – “Go away, give me a chance to miss you…”
But, pretend your partner is singing it to you.
Take your leave, and enjoy some alone time. ❤️

Look, if your home is mostly boys, do yourself a favour – leave it up. Firstly, less cleaning (for whoever’s task it is) from when they don’t lift the seat up for themselves; less grizzling (“who left the bloody seat up?!; “Didn’t realise we lived in a zoo!” etc); AND most importantly – it shows a great deal of love in these times, through: less cleaning and less grizzling.
And from the famous, paraphrased words of Joe Cocker:
“You can leave the seat up.”
So, seat up for next four weeks? Let’s go….! 😆

I’ve never really watched a lot of television, but one of my besties keeps introducing me to the greatest shows, and Outlander is one of the best programmes on Earth (and books, to be fair) and we’re a liiiiiiiittle bit addicted to the storyline (and Jamie… 😆).
Last season, we both watched the new releases from our own homes by pressing play on Lightbox at the exact same time and would commentate to each other along the way over Messenger. Yes, we’re crazy cat ladies (although, neither of us has an actual cat but I do have a dog and she has a dog brother)… I digress…
My point is (and I’m getting to it now), don’t be a tele hog. No one owns the remote (although some may dispute that they in fact DO own the remote AND the tele). Again, I digress.
Share! Let them watch their favourite show. It may be ‘My 600LB Life’; it might be a repeat of some World Cup Finals of their third favourite sport. Whatever it is, let’s just share the control of whatever is on the tele, because when you share (especially during times of lockdown when they’re the only other person/people in your ‘bubble’) people will love and appreciate you that much more.

I think the hardest thing was when schools were suddenly closed down within hours, we weren’t fully prepped for it. I mean, we kinda knew it was coming, but it was like giving birth: when you’re preggers you know it’s gonna happen but when your waters break – “OMG! That was totally unexpected!” Anyway, as usual I’m off track!
“How’s your brain doing?” is an actual question that was asked in our home this week. Because this is a great question to ask, as your brain is where everything starts… Brain is foggy? Take a walk. Brain is tired? Take a nap.
Brain is over being in lockdown? Talk it out.
Even better – talk and walk it out!
From me to you: how’s your brain?
Hope you and your other are doing OK xo
As you can see from this list, especially with the likes of “chippies” and “Outlander“, I really have no great insight into how any couple can ensure their relationship endures this unusual situation we all find ourselves in, BUT if we share a laugh then perhaps it’ll make it a little easier 🤷♀️
Part II coming tomorrow.