Let me explain what this means: in short, because the Registry Office is now permanently closed in Christchurch, I can now officiate ceremonies, with set script and vows, for $90. Just like the Registry Office.
Now for the longer spiel: all Celebrants Association NZ (CANZ) members are encouraged to undertake systematic and structured learning throughout their careers to ensure that they continually maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills to improve the quality of service they offer.
The Celebrants Association NZ offers validation of members through the VCANZ programme. This is a structured recognition of celebrant training, experience and professional development.
Those who achieve VCANZ status can also undertake Registry Office-Style ceremonies.
And, my friends, my application was approved.
So, if you’d like to get married at home in north Christchurch, or perhaps a nice spot in North Canterbury, contact me! You can get married wherever you’d like. No need to head into the city centre anymore!
So, you’ve decided you’d like to get married at the Registry Office but find out they’ve permanently closed?
Luckily, I’ve been appointed as a Registry Marriage Celebrant!
To book me:
– Go to https://marriages.services.govt.nz
– Begin new application “Next” button
– Click on “Registry ceremony”
– Click on “Next” button
– Enter a date within the next 3 months
– Start typing “Christchurch” and select it
– Scroll down and you’ll see me there
– Click my name and go from there!
Here’s what makes this option a Registry Office-Style Ceremony… The Government determines:
– the script (2 options)
– the celebrant fee ($90)
– the days: Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays)
Following yesterday’s release of Part I of my ultimate guide to staying in love during lockdown, to celebrate our final day at Level 4 lockdown, I’ve released the final part of my “romance novel”, Lockdown Love…
If there’s one thing that I’m a huge fan of, it’s cuddles. I really can’t get enough of them. So, not being able to ‘hug it out’ with anyone outside my bubble is actually blimmin tough for my soul! That’s why it’s important to have awesome hugs within your bubble. 🙌 If you’re not a hugger, PLEASE become one, even for the sake of those within your bubble who are huggers! And, hey, after all the dust has settled, and we get back to ‘normal life’, maybe you, too, will enjoy a lovely hug so much that you start to ‘hug it out’ with your mates AND your family. 😉 So, go on: go and give everyone in your bubble a nice big cuddle xoI want you to rewind back to last Monday, 23 March. Remember then? Back in the olden days? That was when our PM announced there was a lockdown coming, and all schools were to close immediately and everyone (who wasn’t an essential worker) was to work from home. It was that night that Sara Green Prev. Heaney messaged me, cheekily asking for my top tips for getting through the next four weeks and still liking her man, cos, you know, as the “Queen of Love” (her words not mine 😆) I must have some creative ideas. And, she added, “Like, I still wanna be in love in 30 days.” 🥰 Ahhhhh love in times of a lockdown. So, I’m turning this tip over to her, cos after so many happy years of marriage, she’s FULL of great ideas! Sara, take it away!! 👑👑 “Here we all are, stuck in the Kingdom of Isolation! We are queens and kings of our castle but we don’t have to wear those crowns all of the time. Take those crowns off put them in the cupboard and assume a new position in the castle! My husband is going to assume the role of court jester; I’m going to assume the role of scullery maid! At this time we all need to be able to laugh; we need to have someone in our life that’s gonna make us laugh. We also need someone that’s gonna do the dirty work, and I don’t mind being the scullery maid. Because without her the castle would get pretty damn dirty very quickly and we’ll be up to our eyeballs in everybody else’s mess! Enjoy your kingdoms but remember you don’t have to be the king and queen all the time: even they need a break every now and then! Here’s to love and here’s to still being in love on lockdown.” ❤️Whether you’re talking to the ice tray or to your other, everyone loves someone who offers them a top up! Keep loving each other, keep offering to fill their cup. xoOK, we’ve been in lockdown for 11 days now (that’s if you’re a parent, nine days otherwise), and so it wouldn’t be too amiss for me to say you’ve maybe worn the same clothes a couple of days in a row? No? Perhaps your partner has? Hey, there’s no judgement from my end… But it’s all in the way you handle it. You could be rude, or you could compliment them! In a nice way 😉 Let’s choose the latter, shall we? Cos, remember, that’s the reason we’re here! We want our partner to feel as loved as they were before we started this whole isolation palava… “You’re still rockin’ last week’s sweatpants beautifully!” “Monday’s spaghetti dinner stains on your t-shirt look like they’re wearing out over time! Good job!” Ahhhhhh life in COVID-19 lockdown 😉I know I joke about keeping the compliments rolling when it comes to wearing the same clothes day after day during lockdown, but for the love of all things good – brush your blimmin teeth. Everyday. Twice. Give em a good ol’ scrub a dub. Your smile will thank you for it. So will your partner. And your dentist. Ahhhhhh life in lockdown xoThere are so many ways to spread joy within your bubble (doing dishes, putting away the Vegemite…), but here is an excellent example of how to heap joy onto another: offer to put the kids to bed, when it’s not you turn. I know! Revolutionary! When we’re not in lockdown, I really enjoy putting my son to bed, cos it’s one of our special one-on-one story/chat times throughout the day. But with so much time to spend with each other on our hands right now, having my husbo offer to put our child to bed, then handing me the remote (see LOCKDOWN LOVE LESSON 6) so I can watch Outlander and drink wine – I’M REJOICING!!! So, spread joy. Do something awesome! Ahhhhh love in the times of lockdown…LOCKDOWN LOVE 🌸
If there’s one thing helping the world go round at the moment, it’s shared moments of laughter in the form of COVID-19 memes.
Don’t keep those pieces of gold to yourself! Share the LOLS!
It’s like a game of tennis in our house: I’ll send a meme to my husbo, he’ll flick a better one back. For where there’s love there is laughter, and where’s there’s laughter there is love 😎
If you haven’t got any memes to share, flick me a message. I have a library full of them I’ve been sending pals near and far. Cos, who doesn’t love a good laugh right now.
Ahhhh love in the time of lockdown…
So, there we have it. Now, go ahead and put all 14 “Lockdown Love” steps into place. You can thank me for it later…
YES, the rumours are true, I have released the definitive guide for navigating you and your partner through this COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown period – with my Lockdown Love Lessons.
And, yes, it’s all a bit of fun, and no I’m not a couples counsellor… obviously…
So, how did this all start? Remember that day when PM Jacinda Ardern announced we were moving into lockdown, and everyone who wasn’t an essential worker, had to work from home? Who could forget…
OK, so you find yourself at home, working alongside your significant other for the first time. Or, you’re a stay-at-home parent and your main squeeze is suddenly now working from home. Fun, right?
My girl Sara Green messaged me that night cheekily asking for my top tips for getting through the next four weeks, and still liking her man, cos, you know, as the “Queen of Love” (her words not mine 😆) I must have some creative ideas. As she says: “Like, I still wanna be in love in 30 days.”
Girl, you’re not going to still like each other, you’re going to adore one other!
So, for a bit of fun, here are the first seven “lessons” I released over the course of Lockdown at Level 4:
Let’s start with the foundation of all things good: kindness. Instead of saying to your partner: “Would you STOP touching my bloody computer screen!” say, “Wow! Your hands are so clean right now! But would you kindly remove them from my screen?” See, simple! Not only did you give your partner a compliment on how clean their hands are, during times such as these, you’re also giving them a clear direction on what you’d like them to discontinue doing. Ahhhhh love in times of a lockdown.Can we hit CTRL Z on yesterday? 😅 Or to put it into song: from the wise words of Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar, “Could we start again, please?” I know there are many of you wanting to rewind your first day of working in close proximity to your love, during these COVID-19 lockdown days. And the answer is – YES!!! If not, I’m in trouble 😆 Stressful times call for rewind measures! So, yes, go ahead and CTRL Z yesterday! ❤️Do I really need to say anymore? In times such as these (and actually any other time in the history of time), the mere suggestion of chips ‘n’ dip on offer is an absolute language of love. Chippies for the win!Look, I’m no couples counsellor or psychologist, (I mean, look at yesterday’s advice – “Chippies” 😆) but I find a bit of alone time works every time! After four days together in the same house, living and working together, there’s bound to be a grrrrr moment. Instead of competing for air time to get your point across, this is your chance to say, “Goodnight, I’m going to bed.” Even if it’s only 6.30pm. Some long hours away from each other is just what your relationship needs until you work out a routine for livin’ it up in each other’s grill for the next four weeks. And, as P!nk says – “Go away, give me a chance to miss you…” But, pretend your partner is singing it to you. Take your leave, and enjoy some alone time. ❤️Now’s the time to flip the lid on the age-old question: seat up, seat down? Look, if your home is mostly boys, do yourself a favour – leave it up. Firstly, less cleaning (for whoever’s task it is) from when they don’t lift the seat up for themselves; less grizzling (“who left the bloody seat up?!; “Didn’t realise we lived in a zoo!” etc); AND most importantly – it shows a great deal of love in these times, through: less cleaning and less grizzling. And from the famous, paraphrased words of Joe Cocker: “You can leave the seat up.” So, seat up for next four weeks? Let’s go….! 😆Never has there been a greater time to show your ‘other’ how much you love them, by sharing the tele remote with them. I’ve never really watched a lot of television, but one of my besties keeps introducing me to the greatest shows, and Outlander is one of the best programmes on Earth (and books, to be fair) and we’re a liiiiiiiittle bit addicted to the storyline (and Jamie… 😆). Last season, we both watched the new releases from our own homes by pressing play on Lightbox at the exact same time and would commentate to each other along the way over Messenger. Yes, we’re crazy cat ladies (although, neither of us has an actual cat but I do have a dog and she has a dog brother)… I digress… My point is (and I’m getting to it now), don’t be a tele hog. No one owns the remote (although some may dispute that they in fact DO own the remote AND the tele). Again, I digress. Share! Let them watch their favourite show. It may be ‘My 600LB Life’; it might be a repeat of some World Cup Finals of their third favourite sport. Whatever it is, let’s just share the control of whatever is on the tele, because when you share (especially during times of lockdown when they’re the only other person/people in your ‘bubble’) people will love and appreciate you that much more.For parents, we’re ‘celebrating’ making it to one full week of being home with our tiny tornadoes! 🥂 I think the hardest thing was when schools were suddenly closed down within hours, we weren’t fully prepped for it. I mean, we kinda knew it was coming, but it was like giving birth: when you’re preggers you know it’s gonna happen but when your waters break – “OMG! That was totally unexpected!” Anyway, as usual I’m off track! “How’s your brain doing?” is an actual question that was asked in our home this week. Because this is a great question to ask, as your brain is where everything starts… Brain is foggy? Take a walk. Brain is tired? Take a nap. Brain is over being in lockdown? Talk it out. Even better – talk and walk it out! From me to you: how’s your brain? Hope you and your other are doing OK xo
As you can see from this list, especially with the likes of “chippies” and “Outlander“, I really have no great insight into how any couple can ensure their relationship endures this unusual situation we all find ourselves in, BUT if we share a laugh then perhaps it’ll make it a little easier 🤷♀️
If there’s one thing Hollywood has taught us, smashing plates at a Greek wedding is tradition. But what about the rest of the world?
The team at 888Poker has pulled together a list of 21 lucky traditions which include broom jumping, bell breaking, and running away. Wedding entertainment can often make the big day truly special, so it’s worth giving a lot of thought to if you’re planning a wedding of your own. Making sure you have a reliable fort collins wedding dj is one way to ensure that the entertainment is up to scratch.
Let’s start close to home. In Australia, some couples opt for the Unity Bowl. Each member of the bride and groom’s families are given a coloured stone which is unique to them. During the ceremony they each place the stone in a bowl which is then displayed at the couple’s home, symbolising how the families have coloured the couple’s life, and to remind the newlyweds of their families.
Some other traditions include:
Did you know that in Kenya the father of the bride spits on her head and chest to bring good luck to the bride
In an African-American wedding, the bride and groom jump over a broom at the end of the ceremony. Whoever jumps the highest is the decision maker in the household
Following a wedding in the Philippines, the couple release two white doves – symbolising a loving and successful marriage
The groom’s mother in Guatemala breaks a white ceramic bell filled with grains when the couple arrives, symbolising a prosperous marriage
A bell is also used in the Irish culture. It is rung after reciting the vows. The chime is said to ward off evil spirits
In the Korean culture, carved, wooden ducks or geese are thrown at the bride by her mother-in-law. If she catches one she will have a boy. If she doesn’t she will have a girl
Imagine running away during your wedding reception. That’s exactly what couples do in Venezuela. It’s good luck if they make it away without getting caught, and also good luck for anyone at the reception who realises they’re missing
Baumstamm Sägen is a wood-cutting ritual in Germany. The couple cut a piece of wood with a two-handled saw, symbolising the first obstacle they’ll get through as a married couple
In Japan, the couple, along with their parents, take part in a sake-sharing ceremony. They each take three sips from three cups. This formalises the bond between the families
Joota Chupai is a wedding tradition in India. The eldest unmarried girls from the bride’s family steal the groom’s shoes while his family try to get them back, usually through ransom. No one knows why they do this but it’s fun and gets everyone involved
Surprisingly, New Zealand has been missed from the research which means that we can start our own traditions. It’s more fun and creative that way!